Five good reasons to buy an electric boat

Our GW 601 sailing by the coast nearby Lyngør in Southern Norway.

Electric boats have come to stay. The last few years it has been a steady increase of electrifications of old boats and purchases of new electric boats. Our GW 601 has become a popular choice when buying an electric boat!

Are you unsure if you should order an electric boat? Here are some good arguments as of why you should go through with it:

1. Silent sailing

First of all, electric boats are completely quiet. This gives a relaxing and comfortable trip for everyone aboard, and it makes it more social! With an electric boat, even the driver can join the conversations aboard the boat. When you don’t have a loud and noisy engine blocking all other sounds, you also get a brand new closeness and awareness of the sea and the wildlife around you. The Norwegian “Båtlivsundersøkelsen 2018” (a boating live research paper) shows that experiencing nature and the wildlife is strong driving forces for boating lovers in Norway, along with the feeling of freedom and social activities at sea. Peace and quiet is also very important for most people. As much as 70% identified these factors as “important” in the survey.

2. No bad smells

Maybe even better, you don’t need to worry about exhaust and oil smell. Haven’t we all experienced to be out boating and expecting a joyful trip, only to get it all ruined by the bad combination of waves, exhaust and warm oil? We are quite sure many children will appreciate to not have to experience this.

3. No diesel or oil mess

With the lack of diesel and oil you also don’t have to worry about all the mess in the engine room. The picture below speaks for itself, wouldn’t it be amazing to experience a cleaner boat with no diesel and oil spillage everywhere?

4. Maintenance

Another important factor is the matter of maintenance. With an electric boat you no longer need to bring the toolbox onboard the boat while out sailing. Gone are the days of needing to spend the vacation days working on the boat engine. There is no service or oil change needed. The only thing we recommend is to spray the electrical couplings of the drivetrain with anti corrosion spray once or twice a year to keep everything corrosion free. Cheaper maintenance in dollars and hours will be hard to find!

5. Environmental alternative

Last but not least, it is a more environmentally friendly alternative. According to the “Båtlivsundersøkelsen 2018” plus an estimate from the last two years, there is ca 800 000 motorized leisure boats in Norway. If you add up all the oil, fuels and exhaust from just one summer season it is clear that this leads to large amounts of emissions. It’s very difficult to remove emissions after the fact, that’s why electric boats is a good way to get rid of them before it becomes a problem. You will join the shaping of the boating future and you’ll save the oceans a little bit at the same time.

With a coastline on more than 100 000km and 230 057 islands, it’s not strange to think that Norway has a massive boating life. In addition to this, Norwegians also have long traditions at sea and using boats all summer. The most common type of boat is a motor boat without sleeping facilities and afternoon boating is the most common form of boating at sea. Here, we believe electric propulsion is the right choice for the future.

So to summarize: To own an electric boat is good for the environment, good for the wallet and for the experience at sea!


- To glide without a sound in a limestone nature with white sand bottoms is like a dream!


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